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Mixing container styles for increased engagement


Marianne Hainitz

Solutions Manager

March 8, 2024

Best practices



Which simple design changes can you make to maximize your users’ engagement when browsing your content? 

In user experience research, two concepts have proven to increase the stickiness of apps and websites: 

  • Chunking is the practice of breaking information into smaller, manageable chunks. Information made easier to digest lets users take in content faster and with less cognitive strain compared to a large block. In user experience design, chunking is used when we want users to focus on one thing at a time but without overwhelming them with content.

  • Visual hierarchy: Struggling to find focus on a screen often indicates a lack of clear visual hierarchy. A good visual hierarchy guides your eyes to the most important elements, making navigation and understanding intuitive. By strategically using contrast, emphasizing relevant elements through size and scale, and grouping related information effectively, you can create a user-friendly experience that eliminates confusion and promotes engagement.

Both concepts share a core principle: help your users navigate your service with ease - through providing visual guidance and a clear coherence between different types of content. . 

This is why Accedo One offers a multitude of different container options to choose between.

How can I achieve an engaging visual hierarchy in Accedo One? 

The Hero container on top of the homepage is already heavily in use by most streaming services. It showcases high profile content immediately when the user first arrives on the page.

But did you know that it is also very effective to add a second hero into the center of your content to create a visual barrier between other containers, and highlight another selected high profile video or show?

Select item form “Wide” for the second hero in order to establish the hierarchy between this and the main hero, and create a visual point of engagement.

Consider varying some different item forms in your containers. By using one or another portrait container, you are able to additionally break up your content and visually provide guidance on similar content to the user’s eye.

Use the Highlight Grid for content less important than the hero, but that you want to stand out from regular content reels - for example, a showcase for a particular actor, team or director.

Vary between Carousel (smaller) and Shelf (larger) containers to aid the visual hierarchy on a smaller scale. You might for example use Carousels for regular genres, and Shelf containers for a selection of featured shows.

The most important things to keep in mind are: 

  • Map out and understand the hierarchy of the content you want to show to your audience. 
  • Be consistent in your implementation of your hierarchy across your service
  • Provide enough visual distinction to keep the user engaged, but don’t overdo it! 


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