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[Download] Platform requirements: RFP template for OTT


Alex Kubarev

Head of Product Technology & Engineering

January 31, 2024




What is an RFP in the OTT business?

A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a formal document issued by a company or organization (in this case, those looking to launch, expand or migrate an OTT service) to solicit proposals from potential vendors, service providers, or partners. The RFP outlines specific project requirements, expectations, and criteria for the proposed service or solution, enabling the requesting entity to assess and compare the capabilities, technologies, services, and costs offered by different vendors.

Why is an RFP essential for building your OTT service?

An RFP serves as a critical tool in your journey to launching a successful OTT platform. It allows you to:

  1. Define clear objectives: Clearly articulate your vision, goals, and specific requirements for your OTT service. An RFP helps ensure that potential vendors understand your needs and can propose solutions that align with your objectives.
  2. Ensure competitive bidding: By inviting multiple vendors to respond to your RFP, you foster competition, which can lead to better pricing, innovative solutions, and higher quality services.
  3. Evaluate vendors thoroughly: An RFP provides a structured framework for comparing vendors on a level playing field. It helps you assess their experience, technology offerings, support services, and ability to meet your project's timelines and budget.
  4. Mitigate risk: The process of creating and evaluating RFPs helps identify potential risks early on. It ensures that your chosen vendor has a solid understanding of your project and is well-equipped to handle any challenges that arise.

RFP template: your gateway to a seamless OTT launch

Recognizing the critical role of RFPs in the OTT service development process, Accedo One offers a comprehensive, free RFP template designed specifically for OTT service providers. Our template is crafted to help you:

  • Kickstart your OTT business: Get a head start on defining your project requirements without the hassle of starting from scratch.
  • Identify the best vendor: Our template guides you through the process of detailing your needs, ensuring that you attract proposals from vendors capable of turning your OTT vision into reality.
  • Save time and resources: With our ready-to-use template, you can focus on evaluating proposals and selecting the best partner, rather than spending valuable time drafting documents

Further instructions how to use the RFP template are outlined in the downloadable spreadsheet. Click DOWNLOAD to get the template.


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