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Power to customize with manual personalization


Marianne Hainitz

Solutions Manager

March 6, 2024




Manual Personalization

Put your users in control! Manual Personalization gives the user the power to customize their browsing experience by selecting their favorite topics and interests.

This allows you to deliver relevant content to each individual user, leading to deeper engagement, greater satisfaction, and increased brand loyalty.

The opportunities in using Manual Personalisation are (nearly) endless - a few examples are: 

  • Streaming services for children can be personalized to offer content that is not only age-appropriate but also aligns with their interests and developmental stages. 
  • Sports streaming platforms can provide dedicated sections for fans of specific teams or sports - including live games, player interviews, behind-the-scenes content, and in-depth analysis tailored to the user's favorite team or sport. 
  • For services with multiple channels, users can be offered a choice during the sign-up process to select which channel aligns more with their interests. 
  • Platforms with a regional focus, such as news services, can let the user choose their region in order to provide local news to the relevant audience. 
  • And for any OTT service - letting the user choose their favorite categories or topics will enable you to surface relevant content to each user in an efficient way. 

Want to learn more?

Meet us on NAB floor on April, 14th - 17th, 2024, Booth W2166, West Hall and speak to Accedo One team directly about how you can make the best of Manual Personalization.

How does Manual Personalization work? 

Upon their first launch of the app, users will encounter a personalization screen - provided they haven't already chosen their preferences. This screen allows them to select their interests, such as favorite teams, categories, or regions, to curate a personalized experience.

Based on users' selections, they will see personalized containers showcasing content tailored to their interests - such as favorite teams, categories, or regions. If no preferences are chosen, general content will be displayed for browsing, just like all other users.

Preferences can be changed (or brand new preferences can be set) via the “Account” section of the app. 

Simple selection of preferred items in the grid.

Set up “conditionals” for each of your chosen personalization options in the Accedo One Admin interface. 

In Accedo One Editor, you will then be able to create “conditional containers” targeted to each personalization option throughout your app. Usually you would place these in fairly prominent positions on the page, in order to provide the best targeted experience for your users. 

Manual Personalization is a premium feature, so first of all please contact your Accedo One representative for pricing and enablement.


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