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UX features for OTT Accessibility


Antony Portier

Product Designer

January 19, 2024

Best practices



1. Multi-Device Authentication - Second screen authentication:

The traditional method of logging into a TV streaming app involves navigating a clunky on-screen keyboard, which can be time-consuming and frustrating. A second login feature or multi-device authentication can eliminate this hassle. 

While turning on a TV streaming app, users can opt for the Second-screen authentication option, which will prompt a QR code or a unique code to appear on the TV screen. Users simply scan the QR code or enter the code on their smartphone or tablet. This action securely logs them into their streaming account on the TV, bypassing the need for manual typing on the TV itself.

How does it support Accessibility?

This feature simplifies the login process and is especially beneficial for users with physical limitations, visual impairments, or cognitive disabilities. Allowing users to log in using a secondary device like a smartphone can eliminate the cumbersome navigation of traditional TV remotes. It is particularly advantageous for elderly users and those in shared living environments, facilitating easier account access and switching. 

By leveraging familiar technologies like QR codes, it reduces cognitive load and provides a more inclusive and user-friendly experience, ensuring wider accessibility to digital content for all user groups.

2. Offline Downloads/Play

This feature allows users to download and view content later without an internet connection. For example, users planning a flight can download episodes of their favorite series on their mobile devices. During the flight, without Wi-Fi access, they can still enjoy uninterrupted viewing, making their travel experience more enjoyable.

How does it support Accessibility?

One of the core advantages of offline downloads is breaking the barrier of constant internet dependency. This is particularly beneficial in situations or even in geographical areas with unstable or costly internet connections. By allowing users to download their favorite shows or movies, you’re expanding the accessibility of your content, thus tapping into a wider audience.

3. Closed Captioning

Closed Captioning is always a crucial feature to have for OTT streaming services. It displays the audio portion of a program as text on the screen, providing a written representation of the dialogue, sound effects, and other relevant audio information, enhancing the viewing experience for a broad audience.

How does it support Accessibility?

Closed Captioning is instrumental in supporting accessibility by catering to the needs of viewers with hearing impairments, allowing them to fully enjoy the content without missing critical audio elements. Beyond aiding those with hearing difficulties, it benefits viewers in sound-sensitive environments or those who prefer reading dialogue for better comprehension. It also assists in language learning and comprehension, making content more inclusive and accessible to non-native speakers and those with learning disabilities. By offering Closed Captioning, OTT platforms demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that their content is accessible and enjoyable for all viewers.

4. Multi-language support

Multi-language support on video streaming applications refers to the availability of subtitles and content libraries in various languages. This feature enables users to select subtitles in their preferred language and access a diverse range of content tailored to different linguistic audiences.

How does it support Accessibility?

Multi-language support greatly enhances accessibility by catering to a global audience, including non-native speakers and those learning new languages. It breaks down language barriers, allowing viewers to enjoy content irrespective of their linguistic background. This inclusivity is particularly beneficial for people with hearing impairments who rely on subtitles, as it provides them with a broader range of content choices in a language they are comfortable with. By offering content and subtitles in multiple languages, OTT platforms can reach a wider, more diverse audience, fostering a more inclusive viewing experience.


All in all, as a service provider in the dynamic world of video streaming, understanding and implementing these top UX features are the gateway to reaching a diverse and global audience. We recognize that each viewer has unique needs and preferences. By integrating these advanced UX features into your OTT platform, you not only enhance the user experience but also widen your audience reach, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their abilities or location, has equal access to your content.

Contact us to explore how these features can transform your streaming apps and take your OTT service to the next level.


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